Italian Private Dining
Italian Family Style Chef Table experience
in Bangkok
Our Food
From a 4 generations Family chefs
Featuring for you
Traditional south Italian cuisine
From Amalfi Coast, Sorrento Riviera, Naples and South Italy
in an authentic Italian "Family-Style"
Featured on TV Shows and Magazines

Book your Party
ระบุรายละเอียดของคุณ แล้วเราจะพยายามจัดที่นั่งให้ดีที่สุด
“Segreto Is Not Just Food,
It's a Family-Style Experience
Of Culinary Entertainment"
- Ermanno Lelli -

“The Sunday lunch at my Great Grandma's home was a never ending show of food, peoples and jokes"

At Segreto private kitchen in Bangkok, we rebuild the same culinary experience you could only have in a traditional family or a very local Restaurant of Naples and Amalfi coast.
Our dishes are all traditional, slow cooked, home made with the best ingredients.
Each recipe... We lived it!
All our recipes are carefully explained during this special cooking show
"Each Dish, Each Recipe... We Lived it!"

1860, Torre Annunziata, พื้นที่อบแห้งของโรงงาน psta
โทร: +852 67110822
หอศิลป์เซเกรโต เลขที่ 2-4 ถนนมีลุน ชั้น G